Setting objectives in Quality management


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(Part one)

Participation is linked to the performance goal acceptance, commitment and sharing of information.

Theorists of setting goals initially considered that the participation of workers in decisions concerning the objectives, it had no effect on performance, except in cases where participation meant more ambitious objectives or specific.

Subsequently, the growing sensitivity to the quality of life in the workplace has increased systematically the involvement of workers and their influence on working conditions. The results of research on the effects of investments are not homogeneous.
A study by Latham and Steele has shown that the performance was positively related to the specific objectives, while participation in the choice of those he had made gains in performance.

Erez, Early and Hulin have clearly identified some of the effects of participation on performance, stating that it does not work directly on performance, but does so through the relationship (involvement and commitment) that binds people to their aims.
During the study, operators in a laboratory where experiments were conducted on animals were divided into two groups.
In the group which participated in the training objectives, members devised a method of daily observation of animals, after determining the organization of work, the group established by consensus the specific target.
The other group played the same type of work, but the specific objective was assigned by a manager.

The members of the first group strives to achieve the objective by more members of the second group. E 'likely that participation will help to increase involvement, commitment, and thus performance, when people have real choice on how to achieve this goal and may have the information necessary to achieve it.

Early analyzes these two aspects of participation, discovering the existence of a link between the information on the objectives and the choice of how to achieve them, a connection that affects performance.
The choice is useful in performing only if accompanied by the necessary information. The information may bolster the acceptance of the goal and performance.

These findings indicate that participation is a complex process that can not be limited to the mere involvement of staff in the selection of targets, but needs more broad and involve various aspects of work.
Participation should also be effective and people must have real choices on how to perform the tasks and should have all the information needed to perform the same.

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